Exotic Acai Berry Bowl


The acai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) berry, this exotic fruit from the Amazon got it’s fame from people thinking that it was this miracle weight loss berry. But there has been no studies that link these findings that this berry is indeed a miracle. What you can say is that it will help with weight management if you also incorporate a healthy diet and a consistent fitness routine. At the end of the day lets face it, it’s a berry, its natural and good for your and it does have some great benefits that you can add to your routine to help you build a healthy lifestyle. I am not a fan of fad diets or diets at all, which is why I use the word “lifestyle”. You, see for me a lifestyle is something that is consistent and permanent it is not temporary. It also means you have to work at it and make a conscious effort everyday.

Ok so what are these great benefits of the acai berry you ask, read on to find out. First, the berry is rich in antioxidants. Now antioxidants are great for a number of reasons one of my favorites being for clear, glowing skin. I mean who doesn’t love a nice, fresh face, sign me up. You see Acai has a high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), absorption of free radicals. Other great benefits of this berry are that it is high in fiber, which will keep you feeling full for longer and not to mention you get your vitamin and mineral intake as well.

Acai bowls are very popular and the taste itself a marriage between a blueberry and cranberry. It is more on the tart side but you can add any of your favorite fixings to the mix to help balance it out. If you’re looking to try something other than your usual berry, give this a try. Note that you will find these berries either in frozen or powder form in your local grocery store.



  • ½ cup of coconut milk*

  • 1 pack of frozen Acai

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 teaspoon of peanut butter**

  • 1 cup of blueberries

  • 1 cup of spinach


  1. Add ingredients in the order above to your Vitamix or any other high-speed blender

  2. Top with garnish

  3. Enjoy!


*Coconut Milk is my go too I love anything coconut but if you prefer again substitute with your favorite non-diary milk.
**I like to add protein to my smoothies so I used peanut butter, this can also be substituted with any other nut butter or submitted altogether.

Have you tried Acai before, what are your thoughts. Leave me a comment below.


